About us

Our activities are taken place around the world.
Foundation for democrats development trust

We believe that we can save life

Donate to Poors

Deserving People

FDD trust is the largest global charity and NGO community in the India.

Join us in creating a world where children receive the love and education they deserve and our elderly residents find happiness and fulfilment through interdependence. Together we can build a brighter future for all generations

At our NGO, we have a two-fold mission:

Our Vision

Educating Orphaned Children: We strive to provide orphaned children with the gift of education. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow and dream. Through our dedicated efforts, we aim to empower them with knowledge and skills that will shape their future.

Our Mission

Creating Interdependence with the Elderly: We are dedicated to promote intergenerational living, where our elderly residents find renewed purpose and joy in life while providing guidance and care to the children .This unique model foster love, respect and mutual support between the generations.

Founders Notice


On April 24, 2015,Mr.A.S.Selvaraj son of Mr.Arumugam from a small village called MANAPATHI Chengalpet district began a remarkable journey with the establishment of a non-governmental organisation (FDD TRUST) in Tamil Nadu, Chennai. This trust quickly emerged as one of the largest global charity and crowdfunding organisations in the region. Since its inception, this Trust has been dedicated to uplifting communities, supporting underprivileged individuals, and addressing social issues prevalent in the area. Through their innovative approach to fundraising and their commitment to transparency and accountability, this trust has made a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals. With each donation, they strive to create a positive change, empowering individuals and communities to thrive and build a better future. Their work serves as a shining example of the immense power of collective compassion and generosity, reminding us that together, we can make a difference.
We’re here to support poor people

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

10 +K
Worth of food donated
10 +
Educated Children
10 +
Satisfied Donors
10 +
Happy Volunteers
Start donating them

You can create an impact by"


Your financial support can sponsor a child’s education, improve living conditions and enhance elderly care programs.


Become a part of our family by volunteering your time, skills, and love.

Spread the Word

Share our mission with your friends, family and colleagues. Together, we can raise awareness and create a positive change.

Participate in Fundraising Events

Stay tuned for our upcoming fundraising events and campaigns. Your participation can make a significant difference in our mission’s success.

Ready to help you

Happy volunteers

Our feedbacks

What they’re talking about us

We have a huge appriciation for donating and saving lives from the people!